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Turfing & Lawns – Our Work

Every picture on this website is our own work. But to see some great turfing and lawn transformations, take a look below.

A Very Old Lawn

The lawn needed taking up as it was old and had lost it’s vibrancy. Gone were the greens and it had turned brown.

Now It’s Lush & Healthy

We completely cleared the old lawn and laid a fresh one with locally grown turf that bought the garden back to life.

Garden Needed Refreshing

This garden been left for some time and needed some care and attention to bring it back to life.

An Ideal Outside Space

This garden had new turf laid alongside a new patio to make it much easier to live with.

New Patio & Lawn

We took over this job to law a new lawn and patio to completely renew a garden landscape.

The Completed Job

Beautiful stonework patio laid and a lush green lawn made this a usable garden to be proud of.