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Fencing & Sleepers – Our Work

Every picture on this website is our own work. But to see some great decking, fencing and sleeper projects, take a look below.

A Bare Grassy Area

This was originally an overgrown area that needed complete landscaping and a new driveway up to the family home.

Now A Garden Landscape

Now it looks completely different, with retaining sleepers, a defined driveway, new patio, and a lush green lawn.

Fallen Into Disrepair

This garden had become too complex for the owners needs and fallen by the wayside.

Now It’s Easy To Maintain

A brand new lawn was laid alongside new fencing. It transformed the garden into a usable space again.

Sleepers In Your Garden

This is an example of our work – sleepers used as a retaining wall to allow a flat lawned area to be created.

Made To Your Design

Sleepers are so versatile. Here are some sleepers we built into a patio to form beautiful planters.